EPIA'03 - 11th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence

List of accepted papers for maaii

1 A possibilistic modeling of autonomous agents negotiation
Leila AMGOUD and Henri PRADE
2 An Architecture for a Rational, Reactive Agent
Pierangelo Dell'Acqua, Mattias Engberg, Luís Moniz Pereira
3 An Evolvable Rule-Based E-mail Agent
J. J. Alferes, A. Brogi, J. A. Leite, and L. M. Pereira
4 Distributed Learning Agents in Urban Traffic Control
Eduardo Camponogara and Werner Kraus Jr.
5 Model for Dialogue between Semantically Heterogeneous Informational Agents
Jean-Paul Sansonnet, Erika Valencia
6 The Chatbot Feeling - Towards a Usable Emotional Model for Internet ECAs
Annamária Csordás, László Laufer, Attila Szaló, Gábor Tatai
7 Towards Individual Power Design --rediscovering the will of acting agents--
Francisco Coelho and Helder Coelho
8 Using CLIPS to Detect Network Intrusions
Pedro Alípio, Paulo Carvalho, José Neves