EPIA'03 - 11th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Invited Presentations and Tutorials

Alexander BockmayrConstraint Programming in Computational Molecular Biology
Amilcar CardosoComputational Creativity
Dario FloreanoFrom Wheels to Wings with Evolutionary Spiking Circuits
Eckhard BickThe VISL system: Constraint Grammar based NLP-products
Harold Boley

An Introduction to Object-Oriented RuleML

Harold Boley
Institute for Information Technology - e-Business
National Research Council
Fredericton, NB, Canada

Semantic Web languages such as RDF (Schema) and OWL permit object-centered, taxonomic, and description-logic modeling in the URI-based distributed information system of the Web. Rule efforts of the Semantic Web have thus spurred interest in deductive object-oriented databases and object-extended LP approaches such as F-Logic, TRIPLE, and FORUM. Object-Oriented RuleML (OO RuleML) is an extension of the proposed standard Rule Markup Language that employs object-centered, role-keyed atoms / complex terms (ROLED), allows URI-grounded, 'webized' facts and rules (GROUNDED), and permits typed variables via URI links into Web-based taxonomies (TYPED).

ROLED: RuleML's XML/RDF-integrating system syntax augments 'type tags' by 'role tags' that represent the 'slots' or 'features' of type-tagged objects. OO RuleML makes such role tags available as a user syntax in atomic formulas and complex terms: the atom and cterm elements can now contain -- before/after positional argument children -- non-positional argument children '_r' (for the metarole 'role') with a required CDATA attribute 'n' (for the user-defined role 'name'). This also allows for mixed positional and object-centered representations. OO RuleML has been extended by role weights specifying the relative importance of slots. A surprisingly small change to the DTDs/Schemas was needed for permitting such user-level roles.

GROUNDED: Facts and rules in OO RuleML can be 'URI-grounded' via labels containing a Web-identifier attribute, 'wid', which has a URI value that can be referred to from a complementary 'widref' attribute. The 'wid'/'widref' pair was inspired both by XML's 'id'/'idref' and RDF's 'about'/'resource' pairs.

TYPED: OO RuleML variables are optionally typed/sorted via URIs referring to classes of predefined RDF Schema or OWL taxonomies. XML namespace declarations can use fragments (#) to point into the RDF Schema documents containing the required class definitions. A 'var' element can then be sorted via a 'type' attribute whose value augments the namespace prefix by the local name identifying the class.

OO RuleML will be introduced using the Positional-Roled (PR) syntax, which will also be compared to Notation 3 (N3). The status of the Java-based OO jDREW implementation of OO RuleML will be reviewed. Finally, two running applications of OO RuleML will be sketched: Rule-applying collaborative filtering (RACOFI) and weighted similarity matching (Treesim).

Pedro DomingosLearning from Networks of Examples
Pieter AdriaansGrammar induction and adaptive information disclosure
Veronica DahlUnderstanding Implicit Language Structures
Vitor Santos CostaPerformance Matters in Prolog Applications!