General Information
Call for Papers
Manuscript Preparation
Important Dates
Hotel Information
Registration (Updated)
Accepted papers
Conference Program
Travel Information

Invited Talks by
Domenico Sacca
Terrance Swift

Relevant Links:
Univ. of Évora
Évora (in Portuguese)

Recent Editions:
La Habana (Cu) - 00
L'Aquila (It) - 99
La Coruņa (Sp) - 98
Grado (It) - 97



Submission Instructions

Please send the paper by e-mail to preferably as an attachment. Submissions should be in Postscript or PDF format. The file can be compressed in any standard format, with its appropriate MIME extent (ps.gz for gzipped postscript, ps.Z for compressed postscript, etc.).

Important Date

Deadline for final paper submission: July, 1 2001.

Format Guidelines for Final Submission

For the sake of uniformity all AGP'2001 contributors are strongly recommended to use the LaTeX style file, which can be retrieved here

Your document class LaTeX command should be: \documentclass{cameraagp01}

Papers must not exceed 15 pages, including references and figures and must include a cover page containing the following: title of the paper, a 200-word abstract, keywords, postal and electronic mailing addresses, and voice and fax numbers of one of the authors.

Papers can be written in Italian, Portuguese, Spanish or, preferably, in English.

Updated on September 17th, 2001