Carlos Pampulim Caldeira, Ph.D.

Data Warehouse | Relational Databases | Data Ecology

Carlos Caldeira Photo

Biographical Background

Carlos Pampulim Caldeira is Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science of the University of Évora (UE). He received is PhD in Information Systems from the Technical University of Lisbon in 1999. He is a founder and a member of the I&D center CITI (Centre for Research and Development in Information Technology), a member of ACM’s Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) , and of the Independent Oracle Users Group (IOUG). He is also a member of the European Association of Software Science and Technology (EASST).

Caldeira has a broad interest in data warehousing, relational databases, decision support systems and business intelligent systems, and developed and teaches various faculty courses in those areas. He has also a longstanding interest in using the Relational Model of Data as a conceptual tool in information systems development. Caldeira directed the first implementations of relational databases in Portuguese public administration in the Eighties. A summary curriculum vitae is available here: [Curriculum Vitæ – Português]|[Curriculum Vitæ – English].


Colégio Luís Verney, Gabinete 259
Departamento de Informática
Universidade de Évora
Av. Romão Ramalho, 59

Telephone: +351 266745300
Fax: +351 266744971

Email: ccaldeira(at)di.uevora(dot)pt

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Carlos Pampulim Caldeira

Professor Auxiliar | Assistant Professor at Universidade de Évora

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